One Hundred Years and Two Anniversaries

Yes, I am alive.  Unfortunately, my muse is a very fickle being.  But, I just wanted to give you all a heads up on two posts that will be appearing in the coming months.  I’m an avid watcher of the Discovery Channel.  Last night, they premiered two new programs “Titanic: Last Moments” and a show on the Concordia, the Italian cruise-liner that sunk somewhat recently.  On April 14 of this year, it will have been a full century since the R.M.S. Titanic went on its fateful voyage.  I’ll be blogging about that come the 14th of April, of course.

On the other extreme end of the emotional spectrum, Arthur Murray will also be celebrating its one-hundredth year in the coming months as well.  Arthur Murray started teaching dance in 1912 when he was seventeen.  He founded his studios later.  My studio will be celebrating the event on April 4th, but since it’ll be a late night, I’ll probably post it on the 5th.

That’s all the updates for now.  Here’s hoping my dear muse will come back and inspire me to write new posts.

1 thought on “One Hundred Years and Two Anniversaries

  1. Pingback: 4 Days, 1,514 People, and 100 Years | …Then Came Dance

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